"MedMedia Kazakhstan" -
congress operator in medicine
We organize events in the area of medicine: online, offline and hybrid format scientific conferences, exhibitions, conferences, symposia. Experts, scientists, representatives of leading clinics, research institutes, experienced practitioners are given an opportunity to come into the spotlight at large-scale professional events, demonstrating the results of their work and achievements.
Our company provides services for organizing webinars, training courses, conferences, meetings, turnkey discussions. MedMedia Kazakhstan has many large conferences, congresses, forums and webinars conducted to its credit. We engage highly qualified lecturers, creating ultimate conditions for training and skill improvement of physicians of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, we provide services for association management, event marketing, interaction with sponsors, etc.
6 reasons to entrust the organization of a symposium or congress to MedMedia Kazakhstan:
We guarantee high-quality and prompt service for organizing a turnkey event. By entrusting us with your event, you can clear your schedule for other tasks. We will think over all the nuances down to the last detail.
Planning is a strong point of MedMedia Kazakhstan. We will draw up and agree with you a clear and precise plan of the event. Each stage, event, incorporated into the schedule, will take place clearly on time, without delay.
At all stages of cooperation, you will be able to control the preparation process, discuss the details with the manager and, if necessary, make changes to the plan and preparation of the event
We are ready to offer you new, original and creative ideas in the process of preparing the event, focusing on your preferences.
MedMedia Kazakhstan congress operator adheres to a client-focused approach in the implementation of ideas, ensuring the uniqueness of each project.
Starting this year, the package of services will be extended with a new video recording and editing service covering the event.
Scientific Events Organization (congresses, conferences, symposia)
Media Kazakhstan provides a full package of services at all stages of preparation and conduct of scientific congresses, conferences, symposia, including:
- choice of venue, if the event takes place offline or in a hybrid format;
- drawing up of the event program;
- notification of speakers, lecturers and participants, sending out invitations;
- sending information to potential and registered participants by mail or SMS/WhatsApp (you can be sure that all registered participants of the event will be aware of the news ahead of, during and after the event).
- formation of a database of registered participants for the client;
- creating a landing page with the event details;
- meeting and hotel accommodation of speakers and participants from other cities and countries;
- technical support for speakers, participants before, during and after the event;
- arranging for the event broadcast (via several channels), providing simultaneous translation where necessary;
- engagement and support of sponsoring companies;
- issuance of certificates, conducting surveys among participants;
- provision of printed matter production services at customer’s request: booklets, flyers and guides, branding products, bags, etc.
The company has organized many scientific events in the cities of Kazakhstan.
Online Events Organization
The advantages of online events in the pandemic era cannot be overemphasized, starting with an option of reaching a large number of participants, vast geography, and ending with cost savings.
The company has extensive experience in organizing online events. MedMedia Kazakhstan technical headquarters:
- solves all issues involving reaching event participants;
- performs chat moderation;
- provides video recording and editing of speakers’ presentations, simultaneous translation;
- organizes teleconferences with speakers from various countries;
- monitors the event attendance;
- ensures events creative decoration
To engage participants, the following means are used: email and SMS, publications of information partners, advertising in social networks.
Exhibitions Organization
The company organizes exhibitions both as independent events and as part of scientific conferences, symposia and forums.
Participating exhibitors have an opportunity to present their products and services, demonstrate achievements, establish business contacts, conclude profitable contracts and deals. This is a great opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to present new drugs, while manufacturers of medical equipment are provided space to showcase advanced technologies and developments.
We carry out a full cycle of exhibition preparation and conduct, including: accepting applications, designing stands, issuing printed materials as requested (booklets, leaflets, business cards), interaction with exhibitors and provision of other additional services.
Association Management
Media Kazakhstan provides company management services to medical associations and organizations.
You can choose the service you need or obtain a full package of services, including:
- site development and maintenance;
- accounting services;
- preparation and submission of project reports;
- business correspondence;
- negotiations with public authorities;
- conclusion of transactions and contracts, etc.
Hard times we live in require assistance of partners and professionals in order to conduct business. Entrusting us with the management of your company, you are sure to enjoy the quality of services, the high level of expertise, as well as integrity and professionalism of our employees.
Event Marketing
This service involves the promotion of events in social networks or industry-specific media. We prepare and post information on Instagram, Facebook, Telegram channels. We inform participants about the upcoming event in medical communities on Facebook. If required and as requested by clients, we launch advertising on social networks.
We also publish information about events in field-specific printed matter, providing links to landing pages for participants registration.
The Event Marketing service also includes: preparation of a press release about events for distribution, development of a landing page or website design, printed matter (programs, handouts, etc.), photographic and video coverage.
Then event-related articles are published in the media and texts posted on social networks. The coverage of the congress or conference in social networks is subject to the approved content plan and accomplished in stages in order to notify the participants in advance. A series of posts covers all the main points of the event: registration of participants, main directions of the congress, key speakers and other key points.
We create branded products at customer’s request: notebooks, pens, bags.
Interaction with Sponsors
Interaction with sponsors is a complex job that requires a lot of time and effort. This is one of the key components of any event organization, which begins with the search for sponsors and media partners. The company’s employees ensure highly professional, seamless and prompt negotiations, conclusion of contracts, solution of all administrative and financial issues as well as execution of other work stages.
Publishing Services
The structure of the company also includes MedMedia Kazakhstan Publishing House, enabling us to supply events with all printed and promotional matter.
It is impossible to imagine a modern large-scale event of an international or national level without handouts, badges, programs, booklets, guides, leaflets, business cards and other printed materials that help participants communicate with each other, present their products and services.
By contacting us, you are sure to have all the materials of a scientific forum, symposium or conference prepared on time, professionally and efficiently.
Our events
We organize events in the area of medicine: online, offline and hybrid format scientific conferences, exhibitions, conferences, symposia.
Experts, scientists, representatives of leading clinics, research institutes, experienced practitioners are given an opportunity to come into the spotlight at large-scale professional events, demonstrating the results of their work and achievements.
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Уважаемые коллеги! MedMedia приглашает Вас принять участие в XIV Международном конгрессе КАРМ «Современные подходы к лечению бесплодия. ВРТ: Настоящее и будущее», который пройдет 10-12 ноября 2022 года в Казахстане,
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Конгресс-оператор MedMedia Kazakhstan выступит информационным партнером Российского национального конгресса кардиологов, который состоится 29 сентября – 01 октября 2022 года. Место проведения конгресса: г. Казань, с. Большие Кабаны, ул. Выставочная, д.
IX Международный образовательный форум «Российские дни сердца», г. Санкт-Петербург, 22-23 июня 2022 года.
Конгресс-оператор MedMedia Kazakhstan выступит информационным партнером IX Международного образовательного форума «Российские дни сердца», который пройдет в Санкт-Петербурге 22-23 июня 2022 года. Интерактивная программа форума будет включать новости с последнего Европейского
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